April 26, 2010

SEC vs. Goldman Sachs; Illuminati—composition, past and current activities; reptilians; lawsuit against pedophile Boy Scout leader; Iceland’s volcanic eruption; plane crash, death of Poland’s president, et al; tea party movement; economic concerns, resolution; presence of spirits; music in Golden Age; effects of gun use on soul growth; life forms designed with malevolence; enough souls for fetuses; Global Love Day May 1

October 22, 2008

October 14 lightship - reason, reactions for non-appearance; other civilizations' previous contact with Earth; global economy removal from Illuminati control, weathering economic turmoil; some souls' life purpose; universal law of attraction; US presidential election; proposed new Ecuadorian constitution; what to expect of Golden Age, transitional stage; succinct guideline for spiritual journey

September 24, 2008

Global economic situation, ultimate outcome; Sarah Palin; why Obama will be US president; “Impending Event Alert”; predictions that won’t materialize; bad dreams; chiropractic philosophy; diet, health, Golden Age; energy of ascended masters, others; only off-planet light beings near our solar system; “behind the scenes” of Gustav, Ike; Pakistan suicide bombing “black ops”

May 21, 2008

Higher meaning of Myanmar and China disasters; negativity reduction; examples of duality; global economy, sharing; third density karma; sources of light; Obama in US presidency, ending of “secret government”; don’t fear dire predictions, claims; life missions will unfold; care necessary in telepathic communications; “homework” assignments

July 2, 2007

Media reporting; legal processes against top officials in US government; explosives in London cars “black-ops”; discernment, intuition; religious dogmas; ego; relationships; chemtrails; independence from external information sources; distractions; DNA changes; the Holocaust in universal context; indications of light within souls; disarming fear

May 3, 2007

Virginia Tech shooting; how souls help each other; effects of energy magnifying characteristics, feelings; everyone’s contribution to the light valuable; importance of balance; honeybees' disappearance, Devic kingdom assistance; status of war, troop withdrawal, future of Iraq; FDA control of nutritional supplements; effects of fear; Global Love Day
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