March 4, 2007

Observations about “the Oscars”; collective consciousness; “Believe in yourselves!”; unconditional love; US presidential candidates; more evidence of crumbling Bush administration; soulmates, twin flames; causes of dying animal species; parallel and probable lives; records disproving the biblical story of Jesus

February 3, 2007

Iraq war escalation an Illuminati decision; no full-scale war in Iran; ET technology reducing worst effects of pollution; global warming leading to moderate global climate; guideline for trusting intuition; love, key to all healing; benefits of monatomic gold; adverse effects of vaccines, prescription drugs; tribal use of hallucinogens; helping animals end suffering; goddess energy

July 15, 2006

No all-out war Israel-Lebanon; factors behind Mideast violence; prevention of NYC subway bombing a “tall tale”; original, amended soul contracts; Fitzgerald, Plame/Wilson lawsuit; discernment, trusting intuition imperative; some channeled information from dark sources; Buffet’s “generosity”; Adam, energy healer; “ultimate encouragement”
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