April 1, 2012

Light sources; fearful-sounding disinformation; honoring lightworkers; behind-the-scenes action; significance of recent tragic events; psychic damage of war; effects of collective consciousness; Obama's comments; ET introduction discussion; Golden Age misconceptions, actuality; prosecution of criminals

February 1, 2012

Effects of negative thoughts; dispelling fear; evidence of light's progress; reasons for delay in initiating major reforms; cause of global "hum"; chakras; new monetary system; science vs universal reality; sex in fifth density; gods and goddesses

April 26, 2010

SEC vs. Goldman Sachs; Illuminati—composition, past and current activities; reptilians; lawsuit against pedophile Boy Scout leader; Iceland’s volcanic eruption; plane crash, death of Poland’s president, et al; tea party movement; economic concerns, resolution; presence of spirits; music in Golden Age; effects of gun use on soul growth; life forms designed with malevolence; enough souls for fetuses; Global Love Day May 1

December 17, 2009

Light of sharing; Norway phenomenon ET produced; Obama; energy for change growing worldwide; life in Heaven; the soul, soul reunions; prayers; universal law of attraction; karma; Earth humankind origin; whales; animal evolution; message from 9/11 souls; love, fear; convictions create; peace coming; direct connection with God; synchronicity; ET helpers
2020-10-10T16:08:08+00:00January 12, 2012|animals, emotions, ET assistance, fear, government, karma, lightworkers, Nirvana, souls|

May 26, 2009

US Memorial Day; variables in ascertaining timing; Illuminati obstructing Obama’s intentions; Cheney; global economy not stabilized; vibratory levels, consciousness; Susan Boyle; misperceptions about NESARA; swine flu; mental disorders no bar to physical ascension; souls reincarnating in same country, religion; Earth’s ascension

March 10, 2009

Importance of collective consciousness; dark forces altered human DNA; signs of cellular changes; ways to ease adjustment to changes, higher frequencies; sending light to dark souls; directing light, love; DNA repair of shattered souls; Obama’s administration, changes coming; truths that will come forth; global economy status; “grassroots” movement; fires in Australia; chanting; fourth and fifth densities
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