July 2, 2007

Media reporting; legal processes against top officials in US government; explosives in London cars “black-ops”; discernment, intuition; religious dogmas; ego; relationships; chemtrails; independence from external information sources; distractions; DNA changes; the Holocaust in universal context; indications of light within souls; disarming fear

February 3, 2007

Iraq war escalation an Illuminati decision; no full-scale war in Iran; ET technology reducing worst effects of pollution; global warming leading to moderate global climate; guideline for trusting intuition; love, key to all healing; benefits of monatomic gold; adverse effects of vaccines, prescription drugs; tribal use of hallucinogens; helping animals end suffering; goddess energy

August 13, 2006

Plane-bombing plot more ruse, deception; NO nuclear war in Lebanon; Zionists don’t represent most Israelis, Jews; economic outlook, resources reallocation; geophysical events, “global warming”; repeal of unjust laws worldwide; Matthew’s requests regarding questions; cremation, burial; US November election; effects of feminine/goddess energy; illness, aging outlook

July 15, 2006

No all-out war Israel-Lebanon; factors behind Mideast violence; prevention of NYC subway bombing a “tall tale”; original, amended soul contracts; Fitzgerald, Plame/Wilson lawsuit; discernment, trusting intuition imperative; some channeled information from dark sources; Buffet’s “generosity”; Adam, energy healer; “ultimate encouragement”

June 19, 2006

Reaction is a choice; results of fear; advice to energy healers and telepathic receivers; light workers, light weavers; Rove result “skullduggery”; likely course of truth emerging; celestial activity; we’re innately prepared for transitional “bumps”; military draft outlook; ELM effects; immigration reform in US; Feng Shui; key to relationships; archangels, other spirit helpers; prayer.

January 19, 2006

Indictments served Bush, others; other lawsuits adding to energy momentum; more defectors from dark agenda joining light workers; purpose of media's focus; DO NOT FEAR; use discernment in channeled information; chemtrails; bodies healed in higher densities; AIDS; obesity in spiritual context; John Lennon and MLK; happenings in sleep state, dreams

August 9, 2004

Illuminati control of mainstream media beginning to crack; the President Bush seen publicly is a clone; infighting of the two Illuminati factions in US politics; recent entertainment showing “quest for truth”; minor funding changes starting; love will eliminate oppressive aspects of cultures and religions; discernment of all information essential; geophysical events to continue; the importance of sending love-light to all souls, judging none
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