July 2, 2007

Media reporting; legal processes against top officials in US government; explosives in London cars “black-ops”; discernment, intuition; religious dogmas; ego; relationships; chemtrails; independence from external information sources; distractions; DNA changes; the Holocaust in universal context; indications of light within souls; disarming fear

June 2, 2007

US budget bill vote; presidential authority executive order; wildlife deaths; cetacean souls, energy; poisoned pet food; dreams of violence; say "no" to fear; amended soul contracts; health risks from cell phones and other products; examples of belief systems' effectiveness; marijuana; "fast track" education for young children

March 1, 2004

Complexities of getting NESARA announced; off-planet reptilians control Illuminati; process of changes and reforms globally; collapse of linear time; illusion vs. reality; Ralph Nader; Dennis Kucinich; President Bush and John Kerry are Illuminati; Hubble telescope—Mars; “The Passion of Christ”; remedies for temporary physical and emotional discomfort due to effects of higher frequencies; harmful effects of prescription drugs
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