May 26, 2009

US Memorial Day; variables in ascertaining timing; Illuminati obstructing Obama’s intentions; Cheney; global economy not stabilized; vibratory levels, consciousness; Susan Boyle; misperceptions about NESARA; swine flu; mental disorders no bar to physical ascension; souls reincarnating in same country, religion; Earth’s ascension

May 21, 2008

Higher meaning of Myanmar and China disasters; negativity reduction; examples of duality; global economy, sharing; third density karma; sources of light; Obama in US presidency, ending of “secret government”; don’t fear dire predictions, claims; life missions will unfold; care necessary in telepathic communications; “homework” assignments

April 3, 2007

Peace demonstrations add light, don’t continue polarity; reasons for free will; encouragement, being prepared necessary; sending light; biblical Jesus, global warming controversies; no heavy-duty attack on Iran seen in energy field of potential; "The Secret"; importance of color, tone; race called Sasquatch and Yeti

January 7, 2007

New energy momentum for peace; Illuminati influence, control waning; energy that delays progress of change; young and older leaders appearing; power of words; importance of monatomic gold in bodies; de-evolution of DNA; origin of Earth’s spirit world; soul contract possible reason for illness; future potential for people in health care fields; this lifetime is last opportunity to complete third density karma on Earth
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